The human body is a unique structure in which hundreds of different systems work. Indicators of their activity are excretions. For example, mucus from the nose indicates the onset of a cold. And from the eyes - in the inflammatory process.
Often men face an unpleasant phenomenon - discharge from the penis. Although this moment is not very pleasant for them, knowledge about their character and nature will help them live peacefully.
Possible sources of male secretion
The main purpose of displaying the fact of mucus is physiological information about his genitals. Very often, it is the first to indicate the beginning of a serious illness. In some cases, this is the only sign of a problem.
The discharge from the male organ is a collection of mucus that comes from 3 sources:
- urethra;
- sebaceous glands;
- abnormal skin formations.
Mucus from the sebaceous glands appears on the head of the genital organ.
Note to gentlemen!
Regular attention to the genitals will help you notice any changes in the nature of male secretions in time. .
The nature of discharge from the penis depends mainly on its source. They can be physiological or pathological.
Physiological male secretion is an indicator of the natural functioning of the glands of the genital organs. In addition, it is normal during sensual stimulation or after sex.
The nature of such a discharge usually does not cause any discomfort or concern in men. They often look like viscous, colorless mucus and appear on the head of the penis. All other types of discharge in men are pathological and therefore require special attention.
The main causes of unnatural secretions are mainly considered various diseases.
If the source of secretion is associated with a disease, then you should pay attention to the following factors:
- quantity;
- color shade;
- durability;
- frequency of occurrence.
Depending on the course of the disease, the mucus can be in small, moderate or abundant amounts. The color shade changes from white to yellow. In some cases with blood elements.
An indicator that causes alarm is liquid or thick discharge from the penis, which appears more often than usual.
For your information!
The same disease can be expressed in different types of discharge. And, conversely, different male diseases are manifested in the same secretion in the penis .
In addition, other diseases from which a person suffers or their negligence are also taken into account.
A natural secret that does not cause concern
Physiological processes in the male body lead to the appearance of a non-dangerous secretion. Such factors of system activity include:
- natural state when excited or in the morning;
- increased pressure on the abdominal organs;
- sebaceous gland functions;
- spermatozoa after sex.
When a man experiences sensual arousal, a transparent discharge appears at the head of the genital organ. They also happen in the morning, after a long sleep. The volume of mucus is different for everyone and depends on the degree of excitement.
Morning secretions may contain sperm, so this should be taken into account when planning a family. If it enters the female reproductive organs, pregnancy is possible.
This type of discharge ensures an unobstructed passage of sperm through the urethra (urethra). In addition, the secret saves male cells from dying in the acidic environment of the female vagina.
In the process of increased pressure in the abdomen, which occurs when it is tense, colorless mucus is found in the penis. It is odorless but sometimes has gray veins in it. Its consistency is viscous due to seminal elements and prostate secretion. Sometimes such a colorless discharge appears during severe coughing attacks.
Thanks to the work of the sebaceous glands, smegma is secreted in the male body. It consists of a secretion produced by the sebaceous glands of the foreskin of the penis and its head. If the rules of hygiene are not respected, microbes multiply there, as indicated by an unpleasant smell.
The male secretion released after sex is called sperm. It contains a large volume of sperm and is considered the natural end of sexual intercourse. In teenagers, such a discharge occurs during nocturnal emissions, which is a normal state of the body.
Signs of a serious illness
Unfortunately, men, like all people on earth, are susceptible to various diseases. The most unpleasant of them are those related to the genitals. It is the nature of the male secretion that is a reliable signal of any disease that has arisen.
Discharges of a pathological nature are:
- White;
- purulent;
- yellow;
- with blood.
White discharge from the penis indicates an infectious disease. If they are right, then this indicates candidiasis. In addition, during sexual intercourse and urination, a man feels pain and itching in the body of the head.
If the white discharge has the character of foam, it is trichomoniasis, a fairly common sexually transmitted disease.
Discharge in the head of the organ signals prostatitis. This results in loss of potency and problems with urination.
Purulent discharge from the penis is an indicator of urethritis, which is an infectious disease. The mucus contains damaged cells of the genitourinary tract and many leukocytes. The consistency of the secretion is similar to a thick liquid.
Thus, purulent discharge from the male penis indicates not only urethritis, but also an advanced form of trichomoniasis. Additional symptoms of the disease are pain, itching or cramping.
Yellow discharge signals inflammatory processes in the mucous systems of the penis. These can be diseases such as:
- sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis or chlamydia);
- disturbance of microflora;
- various injuries of the urinary tract.
In some cases, a purulent discharge may appear.
Bloody mucus comes out of the penis with urine, semen or whatever. This secretion is observed in the presence of inflammatory processes, injuries or tumors. Diseases that cause bloody mucus include tuberculosis, cystitis, prostatitis or cancer. With this in mind, it is important not to delay seeing a specialist.
Loving men should consider the appearance of various types of secrets as a signal for action. If the clear discharge changes color and consistency, then only a doctor can determine the real cause. Self-medication in this case is not appropriate. Taking care of your health should always come first.